Port Development
Strategic Environmental Planning
Each port will conduct a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), as part of its integrated port planning process, to determine the optimum approach to environmental management at the strategic level. The SEAs shall be carried out in accordance with the guidance document for SEAs, published by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, and their findings shall be used to inform the Strategic Integrated Port Plan.
Environmental Impact Assessments
The NPA will ensure that all activities scheduled in the EIA Regulations, are properly evaluated and not commenced before the proper authorisation has been issued, within its area of responsibility.
Tenants and terminal operators intending to carry out a scheduled activity will be required in terms of their lease agreements, an operating license or other contractual instrument, to inform the port authority of that intention at the outset of the application process to the relevant environmental authority and automatically register the port authority as an interested/affected party in the study.
Ports will compile a procedure detailing how they will ensure that they are able to carry out their obligation in terms of the regulations to ensure the competence, independence and capacity of the consultants carrying out applications in terms of the EIA regulations, on their behalf.
Approval of Plans by the NPA
Any plans for infrastructural development of any nature, whether scheduled or not, must be submitted to the relevant port authority for approval first.
In cases where buildings and other structures within the confines of the port are to be demolished, whether by the NPA or by any other body or organisation, a management plan is to be compiled to address issues such as disposal of the derelict building material, prevention of pollution and site rehabilitation.
No clearance of any site occupied by natural vegetation is allowed except in accordance with an approved plan, following ecological and archaeological investigation of the site.