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Port Operations

Bunkering and Fueling

The NPA is directly responsible for bunkering of its floating craft. However, it will require of the Port Operations Division that procedures be compiled and implemented to ensure that bunkering in general is carried out in such a way as to minimize the likelihood of spills and leaks.

On-land fuelling facilities will be paved with a small bund wall surrounding the facility, to contain spills during fuelling and prevent soil and groundwater contamination.

Buildings and Grounds Maintenance

An inventory shall be conducted of buildings that contain asbestos, in order to ensure that the asbestos is not released during maintenance or demolition.

The NPA shall, after obtaining specialist advice, compile a list of approved herbicides, insecticides and other pesticides for use in ports and the use of such chemicals not on the approved list shall be allowed only after a formal approval is granted. Non-chemical means of controlling pests, such as use of raptors or "bat-hotels" shall be encouraged.

Landscaping in ports shall be planted with predominantly indigenous plants, and care shall be taken to prevent the use of plants that are prohibited or restricted in terms of the South African legislation.

Cargo Handling

The relevant port authorities shall require terminal operators and others handling cargo to compile procedures for approval by the NPA, for the prevention of spillages of cargo, especially cargo that would be a pollutant if it were to fall into the harbour. Procedures will also be required to prevent spilled cargo from entering the harbour water.

The relevant port authorities will monitor terminal operators and others to ensure that they adhere to the procedures with regards to the above.

Public Access to Harbours

Each individual port authority will review the situation with regard to public access to its port and, where it is deemed to be an issue of concern, will review and alter as necessary the access control procedures and measures.

It is however recognised that ports are interesting places for the general public, and that opportunities exist for the public to benefit from awareness programs, which will allow them to visit the ports under controlled circumstances thus promoting the NPA's public image.