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Identification of Significant Issues Concerning Waste

Ports will conduct an inventory to determine who is producing waste, and the nature of waste being produced. Particular care will be taken to identify sources, types and quantities of hazardous waste, and to ensure that such waste is disposed of in accordance with this policy.

Tenants and operators will be required to cooperate with the NPA in this exercise, by providing the data required for the inventory. As a minimum, the information that they will be required to disclose is as follows:

  • Nature of wastes generated;
  • Amounts of each different types of waste generated within a specific period and
  • Method of disposal.
    As appropriate from port to port, the following sources of waste will be specifically considered:

  • Waste from shipping, including Quayside Maintenance
  • Spent oil and lubricants
  • Paint, solvents and waste detergents
  • Waste from ship maintenance activities
  • Sewage
  • Galley waste
  • Sweepings from hatches and engine rooms
  • Slops from holds and tanks
  • Spilt cargo
  • Ballast water
  • General domestic waste
  • Medicinal/Medical waste
  • Spent Batteries
    Waste from the Dry and Floating Docks
  • Paint and shot grit
  • Waste metal and wood
  • Oil contaminated mechanical parts
    Waste from Terminal Operators and Tenants
  • Spilt and wasted cargo
  • Leaking storage tanks

Waste Contractors

The NPA shall approve the contractors used by those under their control, or their reasonable influence, responsible for waste management within port areas. Tenants and operators shall provide the following information to the relevant ports management for their approval, before a waste contractor is licensed to operate inside the port:

  • Name of contractor
  • Copy of valid license or proof of registration
  • Nature of waste that the contractor will be handling
  • Procedures for disposal of kinds of waste that the contractor will be handling
  • Location of waste disposal facility that the contractor will use

Once approved, the contractor will be issued a license to operate within the port. This license will not constitute endorsement of the contractor by the NPA in any way, nor will it limit the rights of the NPA in any way to take action against the contractor should it contravene the legislation pertaining to waste disposal.

Waste Collection Areas for Ship Waste

Clearly designated areas will be located in each port, and equipped with skips or other appropriate containers, to acceptance of general, domestic waste. The location of these areas will be indicated by large yellow signs with words "WASTE RECEPTION POINT FOR SHIP GENERATED WASTE" in English and appropriate foreign languages. Signs should be of the same size and design in all ports.

Ballast Water

The issue of ballast water discharge is generally regarded internationally as a significant environmental issue. The primary concern revolves around the potential for the introduction of alien marine organisms into the harbour ecosystem. No specific legislation governs this issue in South Africa, although it could be regarded as an issue controlled indirectly under the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA). A pilot project investigating ballast water is currently under way in the Port of Saldanha. Following the outcome of this study, NPA will determine an appropriate policy with regard to management of ballast water in other ports.

Waste Eminating from Urban Stormwater

Each port will enter into discussion with its relevant local authority and other relevant role players, to agree on a strategy to control the pollution of the harbour waters by litter and other wastes carried into the harbour by stormwater from the surrounding areas.