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Terminal Operator


Applying for Terminal Operator Licence to be issued in terms of Section 65 of the National Ports Act No 12 of 2005

The Transnet National Ports Authority considers proper terminal operations as vital to the safe, orderly and effecient functioning of the ports.


The National Ports Act No 12 of 2005 ("the Act) came into effect on 26 November 2006. In recognition of the impact that the introduction of the Act may have on the rights and interests of existing providers of existing providers of port services and operators of port facilities the Act creates a special regime for such persons. An existing is, for a transitional period, deemed to hold a licence and the Authority must in due course issue a licence to an existing operator if the Authority is reasonably satisfied that the operator is capableof complying with terms and conditionsof the licence.


The special regime for existing operators is contained in section 65, headed " Operations existing on commencement of Act." Amongst others, section 65 applies to deemed licence holders, such as Terminals operators (including Transnet Port Terminals), Railway operators ( including Transnet Freight Rail), Vessel repair facility operators and private floating crane operators.


Following the Minister of Public Enterprises' notice in the Government Gazette (25 November 2011) regarding licence applications for exisiting terminal operators, the Authority with publish in the Government Gazette  an invitation to terminal operators who operated a port terminal at the time of commencement of the Act (26 November 2006) within South African commercial ports, to apply for a terminal operator licence, to be issued in terms of section 57 read with section 65 of the Act.


Any person who managed and operated an automative, breakbulk, container, dry bulk, liquid bulk or multi-purpose cargo terminal immediately prior to 26 November 2006 and who wishes to continue to do so, must therefore apply for a terminal operator licence in respectof that terminal within six months of the date determined in the Minister of Public Enterprises' notice in the Government Gazette.

From the end of the six month period contemplated in the ministerial notice, no terminal operations, as defined in the Act, that were undertaken at the time of commencement of the Act (26 November 2006) may be conducted within ports without a valid terminal operator licence issued by the Authority.

Application forms for terminal operator licences can be downloaded from  this site, and may also be obtained between 8:30 and 16:00 during weekdays, from the office of the Authority's Port Property Manager at the respective port.

Applicants are invitied to submit applications by hand, to the office of Authority's Port Property Manager from the date of the abovementioned invitation until 16:00 on 31 May 2012, for the attention of the Authority's Port Property Manager at the respective port. Contact details of the Port Property Managers are listed on the application forms.

Steps to apply for a Terminal Operator Licence:

    1.Following invitation, click on the link supplied to download the Application form for a terminal   operator licence.

    2.Following invitation, complete and sign the applicable terminal operator licence Application form.
    3.The applications must be submitted on a, per terminal per port, basis.
    4.No payment is required with the application.
    5.In order t finalise your Application, the following documents and information are required:

    a) Completed and signed Application form per terminal per port;
    b) Provide annexures as indicated on the Application form, as needed.

Applications must be delivered between 8:30 and 16:00 during weekdays, from the date of the abovementioned ministerial invitation until 16:00 on 31 May 2012, to the Authority's Port Property Manager at the respective port.

For more information

To view the terms and conditions of the basic "model" terminal operator licences:

  1. Click on the link supplied to download the standard terms and conditions of the automative terminal operator licence; or
  2. Click on the link supplied to download the standard terms and conditions of the break bulk terminal  operator lincence; or
  3. Click on the link supplied  to download the standard terms and conditions of the container terminal operator licence; or
  4. Click on the link supplied to download the standard terms and conditions of the dry bulk terminal operator licence; or
  5. Click on the link supplied to download the standard terms and conditions of the liquid bulk terminal operator licence; or
  6. Click on the link supplied to download the standard terms and conditions of the multi-purpose terminal operator licence (based on dry bulk and break bulk terminal operator combination).


An individuated approach will be adopted in considering the suitability of the licence conditions for a particular existing terminal operator.

If you have any questions regarding the completion of the Application form, please contact the relevant Port Property Manager. If you have any other terminal operator licence questions, please contact the Authority's Head Office Licensing Department.

Thank you for your work in keeping the port safe and secure.