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Port Elizabeth : Services

Working hours

Pilotage, tugs and berthing services are available 24 hours, but a slot must be booked after hours. The port is operational 363 days a year (closed Workers Day - 1 May, and Christmas Day, 25 December). A computerised ship planning programme assists with the load planning of container vessels.

  • Container Terminal: 24 hours a day, 363 days a year.
  • Breakbulk Terminals: 24 hours a day, 363 days a year.
  • Tanker Terminal: 24 hours docking and undocking, 363 days a year.
  • Bulk Terminal: 24 hours a day, 363 days a year.

Pollution control and safety

The port is equipped with an oil containment boom of 150 m in length, a skimmer and oil dispersing equipment. In the event of a distress call or other marine related incidents, the Port Control Tower operates as a rescue co-ordinating centre.

Fishing vessels’ craft licences are allocated by the Department of Environmental Affairs. The Department of Transport surveys all commercial craft for the issuing of safety certificates.

Yachts are surveyed by the Safety Officer of the Algoa Bay Yacht Club, who allocates numbers. Ski boats are surveyed by the Safety Officer of the Port Elizabeth Deep Sea Angling Club, who allocates numbers.


All entrances leading to port operational areas are manned by security guards and access control is in place.

Fresh water supplies

Fresh water supplies are available from pipelines at all berths. Contact Berthing Master, tel: (+27 41) 507-2816.


HFO (maximum 150 Cst) is available at berths 13, 14 and the tanker berth at a rate of 200 tons per hour. Automotive diesel oil is available at the Dom Pedro quay and berths 13 and 14. Due to unforeseen circumstances, bulk road tankers may be permitted at a commercial berth for the purposes of diesel oil transfer after obtaining permission from the Harbour Master, but not at the tanker berth. Maximum rate of 50 tons per hour.

Dry dock/ship repair facilities

The port operates one slipway for the repairing of small fishing boats and yachts up to 1 200 tons. Vessels can make use of the sheltered waters of Algoa Bay for wet repairs with the approval of Transnet National Ports Authority and SAMSA. Contact Harbour Master, tel. (+27 41) 507-1900.

Compressed air

A constant 700 kPa is available at the slipway between 06:30 and 16:00 Monday to Friday. Contact Customer Service Centre, tel. (+27 41) 507-1700.


Telephones are available for ships from the telecommunications company, Telkom. The request is directed via the ship’s agent.


Electricity is available on application at all berths. The supply is 380/220 V, 3 phase, 4 wire at 50 Hz. Rates are available on application. Contact engineering Technician Electrical, tel. (+27 41) 507-1760.

Refuse removal

Service for commercial vessels is available at all berths on request via the Port Control. All commercial vessels are encouraged to make use of this service for galley refuse. All port users, including terminal operators and tenants, must comply with the Port Waste Management Plan.

Dredging Service

Dredging services are provided on a contract basis by an in-house contractor to the ports. The port strives to keep all berth depths to advertised depths.


A fire-prevention service is provided for tankers and ships carrying dangerous cargo. Repairs on vessels which might lead to fire such as welding, should be organised in conjunction with the fire prevention service.

Contact Risk Management, tel. (+27 41) 507-1960.

Limitations e.g. harbour entrance depth

The entrance channel has a depth of 14,5 metres Chart Datum (LAT) and a width of 310 metres. Ships intending to anchor in the bay must keep clear of the approach channel.

Vessel Limitations
Vessel Maximum length (m) Maxium draught (m)
Passenger vessel No limit 10.5m
Dry cargo vessel No limit 10.5m
Container vessel No limit 11,7m
Tankers 203 (660 ft) 9,4m
Ore carriers 250 (820 ft) 11.7m
Deeper vessels may be accommodated in consultation with the Harbour master.


A full diving service is offered by professional divers equipped with modern equipment and marine expertise. Services that are undertaken include the following:

  • hull inspections and cleaning
  • minor repairs
  • underwater welding and cutting
  • underwater photography
  • salvage work including the use of air bags
  • construction work

Transport (Internal/Rail/Road)

The port has direct transport links with the main consumer markets and industrial zones in the Southern African continent.

Electrified railways (20 ton per axel load capacity) and the road network link the port with Gauteng as well as South Africa’s northern neighbouring states.

A national airport linked internationally via the airports of Johannesburg and Cape Town, serves Port Elizabeth.